NBSR Hypnotherapy Articles

Saturday 23 August 2014

The Science Behind Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy is a unique method for increasing your happiness in life, reducing your stress levels, and generating personal motivation. The science behind hypnosis is founded on key discoveries in neurobehaviour and learning, which enable a more scientific understanding of the mind. There is an abundance of scientific proof that hypnosis works, meaning that any time you do an experiment you will get the same result.

Andrew Wilding Neural Behavioural Networks.
. Hypnotherapy is supported by 4 key discoveries in neuroscience:

1. Neurolinguistics

translation: brain-language
Our brains respond subconsciously, and very powerfully, to certain words that have personal symbolic meaning to us. If we know what words to use, we can use neurolinguistics to program a desired behaviour.

2. Neuroplasticity

translation: intelligent learning
Neural networks in the brain are not "hard wired", they can change. A negative self belief or an unhealthy habit can be replace by a positive self belief or healthy habit, through specialised practice.


3. Frequency-Following Response (FFR)

translation: literal
In certain situations where an FFR can be created, the synapse firing rate in the brain "follows" the frequency that we hear or feel. The brain synchronises its firing rate with that frequency, and thus can be led to fire at a desired frequency.

4. Psychoneuroimmunology

translation: mind, nervous system, and immune system are connected
Thoughts and emotions have a measurable effect on the function of the nervous system, the immune system, and physical well being. When we control our thoughts and beliefs through hypnosis we can accelerate healing.


Saturday 16 August 2014

Real Hypnosis Online


Does Online Hypnotherapy work?

By Andrew Wilding
To understand how it is possible to experience real hypnosis via an online video call like Skype or Google Chat, let's define what hypnosis really is:

  • The brain functions in deeper states of consciousness - Alpha or Theta state - slower than conscious thought
  • The linguistic phrasing of hypnotic suggestions is delivered in such a way as to sound agreeable, and avoid raising any argument
  • The hypnotic state of receptivity can be accentuated with the correct use of techniques such as binaural beats and isochronic tones, to active the brain's frequency-following response [FFR]
  • The more you desire to experience the suggestions you are receiving in hypnosis, the more profound your reaction will be

When you think about it -

why should it matter where you are when this occurs?

I have been using Skype and Google Chat for over a year, and I am finding that people with very little "spiritual experience" can quite easily let go of trying to decide whether or not to follow the suggestions, and begin to explore where they are going, and in this way, you can go into hypnosis exactly as if you were in your Hypnotherapist's room. Using ear phones, the soundtrack of binaural beats and isochronic tones provides a frequency-following response for your brain to maintain a state of receptively for the duration of your treatment, and with your eyes closed, it really doesnt matter where you are. Reclining in a comfortable chair at home, having assured that you will not be disturbed, you are able to do the mental training you desire in the receptive state of hypnosis, without having to leave your house.

Setting Up Online Hypnosis

The two easiest options are Skype and Google Chat.
If you do not have Skype, and you do not have a Gmail account, the easiest way is to set up Google Chat. It takes about 5 minutes.
  • Fill in your details and existing email account, click next step, follow the prompts
  • Open your existing email account, click the link to your gmail account
  • Continue the setup described here, from "Online Hypnotherapy Using Google Chat"

Online Hypnotherapy Using Skype

Skype Hypnosis
  • Open Skype from your computer and type in andrew.nbsr into the search bar
  • Click Search Directory
  • Click Andrew Wilding | andrew.nbsr | ZA
  • Click Add Contact


Tuesday 12 August 2014

9 Healthy Cures For Cancer - Why Doctors Can't Use Them

This article is intended for:
  • Real doctors who want to cure cancer
  • Everyone who has cancer
  • Everyone who knows someone who has cancer
This is not a theory. I present four observations of abundantly documented, easily verifiable facts. There are thousands of independent case studies published by highly qualified medical doctors and cancer researches, proving that cancer is cured by healing the body. In some cases surgery is an option, but the body does not work so well when things are removed. In all cases, radiation and chemotherapy cause cancer through actual and chemical radiation. The astounding question is: why are doctors not allowed to use the cures that heal cancer?

Observation One




9 Healthy Cures


Essiac in liquid and powder form
Essiac - an immune system supplement in extract, capsules, and powder form
1. Essiac - 1922, Canada
Rene Caisse, nurse
Origin: Herbal mixture from a Native American medicine man
Efficacy: over 1000 cases of 100% cure
Official Response: Not approved by the FDA. (Food and Drug Administration) After testing Essiac, it became a felony to use any treatment other than those approved by the FDA.
Result: Rene continued to supply Essiac from her own home to the public demand. It is now available as a dietary supplement from various online health product suppliers
The Hoxsey Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico
The Hoxsey Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico
2. Hoxsey Cure - 1924, America
Harry Hoxsey, ranch owner
Origin: family herbal remedy
Efficacy: Thousands of documented case histories of 100% cure
Official Response: AMA (American Medical Association) refused to investigate the treatment, claimed already to know, by their medical education, that it would not work. Dr. Morris Fishbein (AMA) later admitted in court that Hoxsey's cure works
Result: Hoxsey cancer clinic in Mexico, still supplying the demand to this day
Gerson's diet creates an alkaline environment in which cancer can not live
Gerson's diet creates an alkaline environment in which cancer can not live
3. The Gerson Method - 1946, America
Max Gerson, M.D.
Origin: research - colonic irrigation, detox, and raw food diet
Efficacy: 1500 patient medical records available for examination: 100% recovery
Official Response: The United States Senate hearing in 1946 resulting from his cures was shut down by Morris Fishbein, AMA. No plausible explanation for the discontinuation of the investigation was given. Media attacks and harassment ensued in public tabloids, Gerson was labelled a quack
Result: Gerson continued to supply his cure to the public demand, and opened a clinic in Tijuana, Mexico, successful to this day
Dr. Hamer's cancer research proves the physical effect of psycho-emotional healing
Dr. Hamer's cancer research proves the physical effect of psycho-emotional healing
4. The New German Medicine - 1989, Germany
Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D.
Origin: research into the psychological causes of cancer from unresolved emotional traumas
Efficacy: Documented case studies of 100% cure, endorsements from other medical doctors
Official Response: The collected material was presented to the medical authorities, but the investigation was discontinued with no explanation
Result: Hamer was imprisoned in France for 19 months on charges of advising patients on the curative method they should follow. Dr. Hamer established the University of Sandefijord, Norway, in order to teach GNM at a certification level. His work is continued by his students Ilsedora Laker and Dr. Douglas Price.
Vitamin B-17 kills cancer
Vitamin B-17 kills cancer
5. Laetrile - 1970s, America
Ernst T. Krebs, M.D.
Origin: research - Vitamin B-17 (found in apricot kernels)
Efficacy: During testing, cancer cells were reported to be "dying off like flies", leaving healthy cells untouched. Many doctors reported a high success rate
Official Response: All claims were forced to be revoked, due to the material not being approved by the FDA
Result: It is now illegal to sell Laetrile, but Vitamin B-17 is widely available as a dietary supplement
Shark cartilage from mainstream health food supplier SOLGAR
Shark cartilage from mainstream health food supplier SOLGAR
6. Shark Cartilage - 1992, America
William Lane, M.D.
Origin: research published in the book "Sharks Don't Get Cancer"
Efficacy: Scientific studies confirm that shark cartilage suffocates cancer cells
Official Response: FDA has not passed this as an approved cure
Result: Pharmaceutical companies are presently competing to isolate and synthesise the active qualities of shark cartilage so that it can be patented and artificially reproduced as an official pharmaceutical product. Meanwhile, shark cartilage is widely available as a dietary supplement

Iscador is an extract. Other mistletoe products include Eurixor, Helixor, Lektinol, and Isorel
Iscador is an extract. Other mistletoe products include Eurixor, Helixor, Lektinol, and Isorel
7. Iscadore (Mistletoe) - 1800s, UK
Rudolf Steiner, M.D.
Origin: Ancient
Efficacy: anecdotal and scientific evidence showing that mistletoe kills cancer cells, leaving healthy cells untouched
Official Response: BCT (British Cancer Trust) denies it's curative qualities on grounds of "absence of evidence"
Result: Dr. Steiner adjusted his position on cancer to focus on prevention, rather than cure. Iscadore is available in many parts of Europe

THC oil, is extracted from potent cannabis plants, (not hemp)
THC oil, is extracted from potent cannabis plants, (not hemp)
8. THC oil (Cannabis) - 1800s
Anonymous - a growing global community
Origin: Ancient
Efficacy: Thousands of cases of scientific proof that THC kills cancer cells leaving healthy cells untouched
Official Response: Cannabis and any bi-product is illegal in most countries, many governments deny it's efficacy and will not allow scientific investigation
Result: The growing number of medical marijuana research facilities and cases of respectable people unofficially using THC oil to cure their cancer, renders it ridiculous for authorities to deny that it works
9. Sodium Bicarbonate (bicarb) - current
Tullio Simoncini, oncologist, Italy
Origin: the Hindu Vedas, and Dr. Simoncini's research - the cause of cancer is not genetic, it is the fungus Candida Albicans
Efficacy: 100% cure, dozens of fully documented video interview case studies on his website http://ww2.tulliosimoncini.it/
Official Response: Dr. Simoncini has been disbarred from the Italian Medical Council "...for having administered sodium bicarbonate..." because: "...such practice has no scientific foundation, and it is not used in Italy"
Result: The Simoncici Centre in Japan continues to heal cancer with 100% efficiency

Sunday 25 May 2014

Biocentrism & Sound Hypnosis

"We're not measuring the world, we're creating it"
Niels Bohr

As Newton's critics denied the explanation of gravity, unaware of the force that was holding them on the ground, so do the critics of non-dualism deny the explanation that consciousness influences our reality, unaware of the forces and causality of their own thoughts.

Thousands of years before the development of computers enabled the exponential growth of mathematical algorithms and theoretical physics, sages knew that this world is an illusion, and that if we know how, we can change the rules. Sages were healers because they could "do magic".

But that's so mystical. And who cares? What does it mean? Can I use it?

Are you calm, and motivated in your life? If not, why not?
  • money's tight
  • work is stressing me
  • I have no time
  • a bear ate my homework
These are all great excuses, but if you struggle with motivating yourself, and if you find yourself worrying a lot, you will not find a sustainable solution "outside". You have to look inside, and be all mystical.
Merging the dualities of science and mysticism, Robert Lanza presents the role of consciousness in creating reality from his field of Advanced Cell Technology. His theory of Biocentrism reinforces the paradigm shift that everyone is writing and talking about:
  • from viewing our thoughts as inconsequential to what we observe,
  • to acknowledging the influence of thoughts on what we observe.
He points out a number of startling truths:
  • Over 200 parameters in the universe are exactly perfect, to enable life to exist. Any one of an infinite number of variations in the physics of the universe would make life impossible
  • Your environment is observed by circuits in your brain, which are not hard wired, they can change. Neuro-plasticity is the ability for your brain to develop new beliefs and to think differently
  • "Not a single particle exists with real properties until it its observed. All of experience is just information that is occurring inside your mind, and space and time are the mind's tools for putting it all together"
Robert Lanza

Monday 12 May 2014

Communication And Motivation In The Workplace - Motivational Speakers In Durban


What do communication and motivation in the workplace have in common?


"Andrew's unique experience in personal development coaching identifies him amongst the most specialised motivational speakers in Durban."

Sarita Herman, CEO Energy Supplements

It's easy to forget that companies are made up of people. When communication between you and your romantic partner is strained, as it may be if you try to make things work long distance, you will notice two things:
  • first - the relationship is more difficult,
  • second - exactly what you say becomes extremely important.

The reality is so familiar that we often do not see it -

exactly what you say is always extremely important!!

When you communicate with your colleagues and staff, everything you say has an effect, although it may not be the effect that you were going for...

How do you communicate?


1. ASSERTIVE"I ... me ... it""This is how I feel, these are my concerns"Interested, caring, optimal understandingYES
2. AGGRESSIVE"You""You need to listen to me because you are wrong and I am right"Attacked, need to defend, argumentativeNO
3. PASSIVE[silence]"I am not important or valuable"Powerful, domineering, authoritativeNO
4. PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE"No, fine""Go ahead, you'll see. I will punish you if you do that"Confused, then hurt, then angryNO


Monday 31 March 2014

What is Depression? What is Positive Thinking? - Am I Depressed Quiz

If you have ever believed or felt that life was meant to be hard and full of lessons with little or no reward, then you can be sure that you can see one side of the coin. The question that you must ask if you want to be happy is: can you still remember how to see the other side?

Can you still feel ambitious? Excited? Adventurous? Inspired? Brilliant?

To lose sight of the joy in life is to accept depression as the norm. As you read this, billions of people of all languages, are confusing depression with "being realistic". 

What is depression? 
What is the difference between being negative and being realistic? 
What is being realistic?

One of the biggest problems with depression is the confusion in recognising it. 

To be clear, let's agree that

  • the claim of "being realistic" is totally subjective, and depends on one's belief system and up-bringing
  • in fact, the claim to be realistic has absolutely no grounds for reference beyond habit or cultural custom
  • only this... lets call it tradition, is the criteria in deciding that a certain way of thinking is "realistic", and a certain other way of thinking is "unrealistic"

If we agree on these points, it is easy to understand how a successful person has attempted a certain aspect of happiness and succeeded, believing it to be "realistic", while an unsuccessful person may have attempted the same aspect of happiness and given up, or never have attempt at all, believing that it is "unrealistic". Another difference between these two people - I will come back to this - is the successful one knows how to use positive thinking to focus on the solution; the unsuccessful one only focusses on the problem.

In my practice alone, about half the cases of depression that I treat, do not believe that they are depressed. Their denial is based on their belief that their expectations of mediocrity are "realistic", and that other people or circumstances are to blame for their anger or stress. The bitter-sweet truth is, that the person who believes that happiness is realistic, achieves it, and the person who gives up, never achieves it.

Defining "realistic" is impossible - the concept is based entirely on belief systems - therefore the only way to discern between being negative and "being realistic", is to define depression. We can identify the signs, and recognise the symptoms. 

What is Depression?
Principle causes and symptoms of depression require an entire chapter. The "Am I Depressed? Quiz - 20 causes and symptoms to test if you have depression - with solutions!" defines the details. The link opens in a new tab, so you can easily return to this article.

Medical Treatment
Recognising and accepting depression, or hearing the diagnosis from a doctor, should signify the beginning of the journey to emotional balance. But instead of being pointed in the right direction, depression patients are made to feel more confused and hopeless by a system that dis-empowers the individual, and seems to be based more on profits than on common sense.

Continue reading

Sunday 2 March 2014

How to Motivate Staff in the Workplace - overcoming depression, anxiety, and procrastination

Employees who engage in your company vision are self-motivated, responsible, higher achievers

Motivating staff can be hard work. People are complicated - we don't all respond the same way. Motivational seminars can be a breath of fresh air, they are usually inspirational and entertaining, but the real value to your organisation is measured in the degree of impact that the motivating experience has on the participants over time. 

The question is: Did your staff engage with that feeling of self-motivation deeply enough for it to become a habit?

Work sheets are essential - goal setting templates, personal affirmations, understanding the power of the mind and positive thinking - but words written on paper, even powerful words, lose their power unless they are kept alive by constant practice and repetition.

A detailed recipe is the crucial first step in the process that creates what you want, but events do not always flow in a strait line between writing down the recipe from the internet, and enjoying the perfect red velvet cupcake. Anxiety, depression, and procrastination in your place of work can be such a powerful combination, that even the notes from an inspiring seminar can seem pointless or confusing.

Depression is the most common psycho-emotional problem in the workplace, and yet a full cure can not be claimed by any of our extremely complicated, expensive psychiatric drugs. In fact, the full cure for depression can only be found in a personal decision to make certain lifestyle improvements, followed by a daily program for reminding yourself what you are doing, and why you are doing it. In 9 years of practice as a Hypnotherapist I have seen over 100 cases of depression transformed, using this method. You must make the decision to improve yourself, and you must follow a daily program to stay positive. 

The secret strategy to overcoming depression, is in knowing what you want, and then taking small, constant steps to get there. Short term goals are rewarding when you achieve them, and provide natural encouragement for you to continue to the next short term goal. The feeling of achievement is due to the natural release of dopamine into the blood stream from the central nervous system, and this hormone causes the opposite "feeling" from depression. So the "cure for depression" is really about what you do.

Procrastination is usually caused by the feeling of being ill-equipped to handle the task at hand. Not knowing what to do, self doubt, fear, or doubting your process, creates overload in your mind, too many thoughts, anxiety, and indecision. A task that should take a few hours, can take weeks, or just never happen. The opposite of procrastination is feeling confident, knowing what to do, having the skill and equipment to accomplish the task, and finding decisions easy to make, and obvious. 

How can you motivate your staff to become more confident, knowledgeable, skilled, and decisive? 

Full article: How to Motivate Staff in the Workplace - overcoming depression, anxiety, and procrastination

Sunday 2 February 2014

What Is Motivation?

Do you believe you can have your cake and eat it?
Can you have what you want?
Or if you let yourself dream big are you only setting yourself up for a bigger fall?

Do you believe that the choice between these two belief systems is the only difference between people who get what they want, and people who don't?

It may sound simplistic, because at the root of every success in your life, is the simple belief that success is possible for you in that situation, and that it can happen, no matter how difficult it may be. Belief is that powerful. Getting what we want in life must be possible, because some people get it right. How did they do it? What is motivation? Is it the same as discipline?

You can have your cake and eat it

I believe that the reason for a relatively small percentage of highly successful people in our world, is the popular belief that our goals are at loggerheads with each other, and that we have to choose between them. Financial success, our relationship, the job we love, doing good for others, speaking out about valuable causes... the common belief is that we can only have one of these goals, and that we have to pay dearly for this goal by sacrificing the others. The tragedy and triumph of our human experience is that belief is an extremely powerful force of manifestation. The moment we stop persevering or become lost in our pursuit of happiness, we fall back on the belief that life's rewards are limited. But what if we could somehow combine all our goals into the same course of action?

This may be difficult to imagine, because your relationship, or your desire for one, demands that you achieve a certain set of goals - work or school demands a different set of goals from you - family demands yet another set - your social life demands a different set ... It's all very demanding. But it's true that all these different areas are important aspects of your life, isn't it? And isn't it also true that the common thread between these seemingly unconnected demands, is you?

How would you feel if you had a good week at work? Say you received recognition, and things are going well for you. Wouldn't that feeling effect you positively in your relationship, and your social life? What about when you start a new relationship, and you feel all wonderful and floaty, even at work? Success in any area of your life has a positive effect on all areas, because success has a positive effect on you, and you are the connection between all the different areas.

It's one thing to notice this when this happens by accident, but it's another thing entirely to know how to make it happen. With the right skills and the right strategy, success in one area of life has a synergistic effect with every other area. The idea of synergy is that 1 + 1 = 4. If you have a positive effect on someone, they become more positive than they were before. So their energy level is now: what it was, lets say 1, plus the effect of your positive energy on them, say another 1. If this person also has a positive effect on your energy, your energy will also be what it was, lets say 1, plus the positive effect of their energy on you, say another 1. So the total effect of your combined energy together, is actually 1(+1) + 1(+1). So the exponential effect of 1 + 1 in synergy, is 4.

Synergy can be observed in healing, when the effectiveness of modalities or substances is increased when combined with "complementary" modalities or substances. Rudolf Steiner coined the term "Holistic", meaning the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

On a larger scale, the exponential effect of synergy has been measured in human behaviour studies, conducted during the research of Transcendental Meditation between the years 1982 and 1985, at Maharishi University of Management, (Fairfield, Iowa). It was observed that a group of just 1550 experienced meditators, or Sidhas, numbering only the square root of 1% of the U.S. population, caused a reduction of violent deaths in the U.S. over the duration of the study. (Dillbeck, 1990)

In similar TM studies, violent crime reduction was measured in Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, Israel, Lebanon, and Canada, with only the square root of 1% of the population of those areas participating in the meditation programs.