NBSR Hypnotherapy Articles

Sunday 25 May 2014

Biocentrism & Sound Hypnosis

"We're not measuring the world, we're creating it"
Niels Bohr

As Newton's critics denied the explanation of gravity, unaware of the force that was holding them on the ground, so do the critics of non-dualism deny the explanation that consciousness influences our reality, unaware of the forces and causality of their own thoughts.

Thousands of years before the development of computers enabled the exponential growth of mathematical algorithms and theoretical physics, sages knew that this world is an illusion, and that if we know how, we can change the rules. Sages were healers because they could "do magic".

But that's so mystical. And who cares? What does it mean? Can I use it?

Are you calm, and motivated in your life? If not, why not?
  • money's tight
  • work is stressing me
  • I have no time
  • a bear ate my homework
These are all great excuses, but if you struggle with motivating yourself, and if you find yourself worrying a lot, you will not find a sustainable solution "outside". You have to look inside, and be all mystical.
Merging the dualities of science and mysticism, Robert Lanza presents the role of consciousness in creating reality from his field of Advanced Cell Technology. His theory of Biocentrism reinforces the paradigm shift that everyone is writing and talking about:
  • from viewing our thoughts as inconsequential to what we observe,
  • to acknowledging the influence of thoughts on what we observe.
He points out a number of startling truths:
  • Over 200 parameters in the universe are exactly perfect, to enable life to exist. Any one of an infinite number of variations in the physics of the universe would make life impossible
  • Your environment is observed by circuits in your brain, which are not hard wired, they can change. Neuro-plasticity is the ability for your brain to develop new beliefs and to think differently
  • "Not a single particle exists with real properties until it its observed. All of experience is just information that is occurring inside your mind, and space and time are the mind's tools for putting it all together"
Robert Lanza

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