NBSR Hypnotherapy Articles

Sunday 2 March 2014

How to Motivate Staff in the Workplace - overcoming depression, anxiety, and procrastination

Employees who engage in your company vision are self-motivated, responsible, higher achievers

Motivating staff can be hard work. People are complicated - we don't all respond the same way. Motivational seminars can be a breath of fresh air, they are usually inspirational and entertaining, but the real value to your organisation is measured in the degree of impact that the motivating experience has on the participants over time. 

The question is: Did your staff engage with that feeling of self-motivation deeply enough for it to become a habit?

Work sheets are essential - goal setting templates, personal affirmations, understanding the power of the mind and positive thinking - but words written on paper, even powerful words, lose their power unless they are kept alive by constant practice and repetition.

A detailed recipe is the crucial first step in the process that creates what you want, but events do not always flow in a strait line between writing down the recipe from the internet, and enjoying the perfect red velvet cupcake. Anxiety, depression, and procrastination in your place of work can be such a powerful combination, that even the notes from an inspiring seminar can seem pointless or confusing.

Depression is the most common psycho-emotional problem in the workplace, and yet a full cure can not be claimed by any of our extremely complicated, expensive psychiatric drugs. In fact, the full cure for depression can only be found in a personal decision to make certain lifestyle improvements, followed by a daily program for reminding yourself what you are doing, and why you are doing it. In 9 years of practice as a Hypnotherapist I have seen over 100 cases of depression transformed, using this method. You must make the decision to improve yourself, and you must follow a daily program to stay positive. 

The secret strategy to overcoming depression, is in knowing what you want, and then taking small, constant steps to get there. Short term goals are rewarding when you achieve them, and provide natural encouragement for you to continue to the next short term goal. The feeling of achievement is due to the natural release of dopamine into the blood stream from the central nervous system, and this hormone causes the opposite "feeling" from depression. So the "cure for depression" is really about what you do.

Procrastination is usually caused by the feeling of being ill-equipped to handle the task at hand. Not knowing what to do, self doubt, fear, or doubting your process, creates overload in your mind, too many thoughts, anxiety, and indecision. A task that should take a few hours, can take weeks, or just never happen. The opposite of procrastination is feeling confident, knowing what to do, having the skill and equipment to accomplish the task, and finding decisions easy to make, and obvious. 

How can you motivate your staff to become more confident, knowledgeable, skilled, and decisive? 

Full article: How to Motivate Staff in the Workplace - overcoming depression, anxiety, and procrastination

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