NBSR Hypnotherapy Articles

Friday 11 January 2013

12 Self Hypnosis Tips To Accomplish Your New Years Resolutions

Most people have given up on all of this. What's different about New Year? Why should this be a good time to set resolutions? Even if the change of the year was somehow auspicious, writing a list of resolutions does'nt make them happen, so why bother?

And in this way, we carry on with life according to homoeostasis, and nothing changes except that the idea that nothing changes sets deeper and deeper into the subconscious mind. "Change is hard. It's too much hard work! Life is hard enough without having to do more hard stuff. Its probably better just to leave things be" says the subconscious mind after this conditioning.

I find the new year (or are we calling it the new age now?) as good a time as any to take a perspective look at what has happened, what is happening, and what I would like to happen. Its auspicious for me because I say it is. When I think of how much time in total I spent last year wishing things were different, its clear to me that I am certainly not better off just leaving things be, and fortunately, because of my line of work, I am able to do something about it :)


Writing a list of resolutions, you can light it, send the smoke up the chimney, and wait for Father Christmas to bring you a Lamborghini, but there is also another way:

May I present to you 

12 Self Hypnosis Tips

To Accomplish Your

New Years Resolutions


Make a list! Go on, be a sport! Give yourself a break! And don't be mean, ask for what you really want. It can be 50 things, or 1 thing. But remember, Father Christmas was your first option, in this option there is only one person who is going to make it happen: YOU ;) 


For each goal on your list, write a step by step description of the fastest possible way you can imagine, for you to achieve your goal. Some of these steps will involve steps within steps. You must quantify everything that you think needs to be done. This list will change all the time. Keep it somewhere accessible so you can update it each time you accomplish another step towards your goal, or each time the plan changes.


Prioritise your list from easiest to hardest. Starting with the easiest goal gives you a great confidence kick when you accomplish it, and gives you the traction to stick with the longer, tougher goals.


Set aside a certain time every day, or every week, for you to do the donkey work on accomplishing the goal you have chosen to start with. Diaries it! In addition to your "workshop time", you will also need to set aside 10 to 15 minutes each night for Self Hypnosis. You have to get done what needs to get done, and this takes time, but if you stop here, nothing will happen, because nobody wants to be a donkey! 

(That's why there are 12 Tips :)) ...


Write a visual affirmation of one or two sentences for each of your goals, starting with the easiest goal to accomplish, and moving down the list to the hardest. Write about what each goal looks like, and how you will look when you have it, or when you are doing it. Word the affirmation as if you have already achieved it.

E.g. I am driving my yellow Lamborghini Gallardo with gunmetal interior down a boulevard lined with palm trees.


Write an emotional affirmation of one or two sentences for each of your goals, starting with the easiest goal to accomplish, and moving down the list to the hardest. Write about what this goal feels like for you emotionally, as if you already have it.

E.g. I love this car! I feel exhilarated and yet completely comfortable in this seat. This feels like the car I should have been driving all along!


Locate the Voice Notes Recorder on your phone, and record the visual and emotional affirmation of the easiest goal, on the same take. (Or you can write this on a postit note and place it where you can easily learn your affirmation.)

E.g.  I am driving my yellow Lamborghini Gallardo with gunmetal interior down a boulevard lined with palm trees. I love this car! I feel exhilarated and yet completely comfortable in this seat. This feels like the car I should have been driving all along!


Learn by heart your complete affirmation to your first (easiest) goal. If you have recorded it on your phone, play it over and over, and say it while its playing, until you can say it without the recording. If you are reading it off a postit, well... just learn it! 

(One good session will be enough for you to by heart your affirmation.)


Throughout your day, say your complete affirmation to yourself, silently in your mind or out loud, however feels more powerful for you. You can do this while driving, showering, exercising, any time you can focus on this particular goal. Having a set time, like showering or at the gym, helps to assure that you will do this every day.


Every night, take 10 to 15 minutes before going to sleep for your Self Hypnosis session. Prepare by relaxing in any way you know. If you know Yoga, or a meditation technique, or if you have a relaxation CD, or if you pray every night, do your Self Hypnosis session after everything. Make it the last thing, so that your mind can take your Self Hypnosis experience directly into subconscious when you sleep. Take a minimum of 5 minutes to relax. If you don't know any techniques, you can use this Yoga relaxation: 

Sit comfortably with a cushion for your lower back, remind yourself that the day is over, relax your shoulders. Listen your heartbeat, observe how the rhythms of your heart and your breath synchronise. 

[Do this for 5 Minutes]


Have your eyes closed so that you can visualise or imagine more easily, and begin with your visual affirmation only, repeating it over and over in your mind. Vary the speed, there's no hurry. Enjoy the visual aspect of your imagination. Its not important that you can picture it, not everyone can visualise. Just imagine what it looks like. The subconscious mind can not tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined!

[Do this for 5 Minutes]


Finally, use your emotional affirmation, and let yourself imagine the emotions that you describe. Repeating only the emotional aspect of your affirmation, let those positive feelings build inside you. If you notice any negative emotion like sadness, hopelessness, jealousy etc, use your affirmation to focus on the positive emotion, that's what its for. Your positive affirmation keeps your mind focussed on positive emotion, and that's the message that goes into your subconscious, because your subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined!

And of course, when you accomplish your goal, you pick the next one off the list! Its awesome! Don't forget to do the donkey work... I would love to hear about your experiences with these 12 Self Hypnosis Tips, so please leave your comments, or email me your questions. I can assure you that this method works because I use it myself, for manifesting everything from my camera to my relationship! 

(Bear in mind that some goals take a little longer than others!!!)

Remember to keep your affirmations positive, because your subconscious mind absorbs everything, and here's to an outstanding year ahead!

Copywrite 11/1/2013 Andrew Wilding

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