NBSR Hypnotherapy Articles

Tuesday 5 February 2013


Seriously? Valentines Day??
Stop reading this! Are you 12? 

You are special every day, why do you need to be told you are more special on some random day? Who even remembers why its called Valentines day? And who's profiting from all these fluffy hearts and chocolates?

Every year, with varying degrees of awareness, I go through the dilemma of what to buy, where to go for dinner, how to dress, or whether to boycott the whole thing and laugh it off as another consumer conspiracy! It was so much easier before the sly birth of cynicism... Am I jaded beyond any hope of romance? 


Thanks to good fortune, my bedazzling rescuers have convinced me that there is merit in acknowledging a day of romance, so I am holding a workshop for couples and singles alike, to understand how your own personal force of attraction works. Understanding your subconscious behaviour unlocks your ability to attract the right partner if you are single, or to attract your present partner more strongly if you are a couple, and ultimately to achieve inner happiness, within or without a relationship. 

Are you searching for your inner bliss?
Who are you? Who do you attract?
Are you with the right person?
Do you feel like your relationship has reached a plateaux?
Are you still searching for The One?

In my training at HMI, I learned a model of human behaviour based on left and right brain hemisphere dominance. This model is without a doubt the centre-most concept that I use when working with a person in hypnosis. Its like a set of keys that fits the desires of each individual exactly, and allows for an unparalleled understanding of personalities and relationships. I am delighted to share with you:

The Model of Physical And Emotional Behaviour

Workshop Outline
(Printed notes are provided)
  • Who are you? Who do you attract?
  • Physical Behaviour (Right hemisphere dominance) 
    • Dos and Don'ts, Cans and Can'ts
  • Emotional Behaviour (Left hemisphere dominance) 
    • Dos and Don'ts, Cans and Can'ts
  • Who are you now? Who is your partner?
  • The Hypnosis Technique for Attracting LOVE
  • Locating your inner bliss
(The full "E and P" questionnaire will be emailed to you after the workshop)
Duration: 1 Hour
Date: Feb 13th
Details and Bookings: http://www.nbsr.co.za/upcoming-events

Understanding and applying this behaviour model has saved thousands of relationships from the brink of destruction, and helped thousands more individuals realise what was holding them back in their relationships and their lives, what mistakes they were making, and how to find the lasting partnership of which they always dreamed. In my practice alone, every one of my clients who has applied this model has experienced a sense of personal realisation and liberation, and a remarkable increase in their ability to attract their chosen partner! For testimonials, visit
This workshop is a highly transformative experience. Getting to know yourself at this level gives you a much closer knowledge of what really makes you happy. When you know what makes you happy, your life has a definite direction, and for this reason, attendees to this workshop will automatically receive a 20% discount package on NBSR Hypnotherapy bookings. For details of this package, go to 
So, what are you waiting for? With this knowledge of your own and your partner's behaviour you can surprise your loved one this Valentines Day buy avoiding the cliches and doing something that really makes them happy. And the best part is: it does'nt fade away the next day! Knowing about the Physical and Emotional polarity deepens your understanding of your self, your partner, and your relationship. Whether you book just for yourself, and impress your partner with your new-found knowledge, or whether you book for both of you, and deepen your understanding of your connection, if you are searching for your soul mate, or if you just want to enjoy being you, this workshop will have a profoundly uplifting effect on every area of your life.
All the best
Andrew Wilding

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