NBSR Hypnotherapy Articles

Monday 17 December 2012

NBSR 9 Elements: Skills And Methods For Personal Developement

The current shift in human consciousness is really all about taking responsibility. In the old belief system, we are taught to cultivate a doubting, helpless, mechanical mentality, regarding our lives and our bodies. It is very dis-empowering.


When we are sick or injured, our doctors operate, take out what's broken, replace the part if one is available, disregarding everything beyond the mechanical structures of the body, or they give us pills. And the reason for that is that pills and surgery make the people who are in that industry extremely rich, so they are selling us their products, and they are selling us their services. We have no power.


The advice that we receive from a financial consultant barely enables us to survive retirement, and yet, above a certain level in our financial system, there is abundance: private jets, corporate buyouts, mansions, parties, overseas trips for extended families in top international hotels. Why don't financial advisers tell you how to accomplish that?


The belief that we are powerless, and therefore we must seek the advice of a qualified professional, and that only that person can tell us what to do, is hugely problematic because it means that we don't take any responsibility for our own problems. We have been taught to doubt our intuition, which is our deepest source of personal knowledge.


We don't regard our belief systems, our own negative thought processes, or our own negative emotion, as important, which means that we keep doing the wrong thing over and over again, having the wrong mindset: too much anger, too much hatred or jealousy or negative emotion, and that's what is causing the imbalance in the body, or the resistance in reaching our goals. We then go to doctor or a psychiatrist or a consultant, who either operates or gives us pills or gives us advice, and the problem does not go away. They are treating the symptoms and ignoring the cause, and we are none the wiser.


In the old system, we are taught to doubt our intuition, for fear of being wrong.


It has to be said: this belief system is hopeless! Doubt and fear corrodes and cripples even our basic common sense. The wisdom of personal experience is reduced to here say, and instead of health and abundance, we have confusion, ignorance, materialism, debt, and sickness.


You can not use fear and doubt if you want to be successful. You have to use knowledge.


We are not deprived of knowledge. No-one is holding it back from us, book shops and Amazon are full of awesome and amazing self help books with testimonials from well known personalities to prove that they actually work. All we have to do is take responsibility and study the knowledge. Reading is not studying, is it? You can read John Demartini but until you put it into practice, knowledge is nothing but theory.


Belief systems are functions of the subconscious mind, and are very difficult to overcome in a short seminar, or a weekend workshop, or by reading a book. But what if you could practice a system of reprogramming every day for two months? Would your beliefs stay the same?


The Nine Elements of the Neuro-Behavioural Sound Reprogramming System form a coherent course of practical knowledge, providing you with all the tools you need to achieve your financial, emotional, and physical goals. The Nine Elements are divided into Six Personal Development Skills, and Three Catalyst Methods.


  • Six Personal Development Skills organised into a personalised daily program of 30 to 60 minutes, to fit your available time and needs:

    Problem Analysis

    Self Hypnosis


    Reiki Breathing

    Dream Work

    Personalised Yoga (optional)


  • Three Catalyst Methods are used in your sessions to facilitate the development of the six Personal Development Skills:


    Binaural Beats

    Past Life Regression (optional)


  • When practised correctly, this treatment is guaranteed to cause a positive change in your belief systems and your behaviour. If you have practised these methods according to NBSR specifications given to you in your treatments, and you can not see a positive change in your attitude or behaviour after 60 days, you will receive 100% of your money back, guaranteed.


Can you imagine what it would it would feel like to achieve your goals? When you do this, your brain spontaneously connects every neuron that can play a part in this belief and feeling of goal achievement. The only way you can conceive of something that does not yet exists is to imagine it, and the only way your brain can imagine is by actually constructing the neural network that will eventually produce the result. In his book "Quantum Warrior" John Kehoe writes:


"The subconscious mind does not know the different between what is real and what is imagined."


So imagine achieving your goals...


When you imagine it, you create it, so why don't we all create the achievement of our goals? The truth is, many people do, and many of those people have become the authors of all those books about creating your reality. The question is, will you take responsibility for developing and practising the knowledge and skill sets you need to achieve your goals?


NBSR is a unique system, in that it offers a complete package, featuring 9 separate modalities, teaching you 6 actual skills, and using 3 powerful catalysts to help you spread your wings and leave your struggles behind.


If you can feel optimistic about how much change you can actually accomplish, contact me now, while it all still makes sense to you, and while these concepts are still fresh in your mind. You'll find that, if you start while you still remember how you did it, its much easier to take control of your doubt, and use the knowledge and skills sets from the Neuro-Behavioural Sound Reprogramming system to achieve your financial, emotional, and physical goals.



Copywrite Andrew Wilding, 2012

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