NBSR Hypnotherapy Articles

Thursday 12 December 2013

The Harmony of 432 Hz and 528 Hz - Tuning In to the Cosmic Hum

People are easily deluded by the hope or promise of healing and peace, and tend to dismiss real solutions as "airy fairy", or "too spiritual", rather than getting fooled. For this reason, most people don't know when good things change.

In 1953, following the recommendation of evil Nazi propaganda genius Joseph Goebbels, the International Standards Organisation ruled that all western music conform to the tuning where "A" is set at 440 Hz - 8 Hz higher than it has always been, since ancient times.

Music, scales, and tuning, come from the same source of knowledge that built the Great Pyramid - a device which we have yet to understand. This ancient knowledge was so powerful that, long after the fall of those empires, only the initiated are taught their secrets: Kabala, Merkhaba, Tantra, Yoga, Ti Chi...
Who is Joseph Goebbels? Did he design accurate observatories and perfectly astronomically aligned Ziggurats? Why did we listen to his propaganda? Did we really know what we were doing when we raised the key of our music system by 8 Hz? Do we have the skill to perceive the difference that it may have on us?

When you tune your car radio, you are "tuning-in" to a certain frequency. 8 Hz is the difference between the signal you want, and noise.

Don't roll your eyes, its not a conspiracy theory, it just fact. Ask yourself this: when you learned history at school, did you learn about the atrocities committed by your country's soldiers, the lives pointlessly lost through incompetence or arrogance? Were you taught anything that would embarrass you or make you ashamed of what your country has done in the past? Or did you learn most of that through personal research and talking to people who saw the other side of your history lessons?
History is written by the victors, and the fact is, we are not told the whole truth, because if we knew what really happened, we would question our political leaders when they told us to go war against foreign terrorists, and we would question our religious leaders when they told us that foreigners have a rubbish God, and we have the real one.

Cymatics prooved that the Om sound at the right frequency creates the shape of the Shree Yantra in sand
Cymatics prooved that the Om sound at the right frequency creates the shape of the Shree Yantra in sand
For those who are willing to listen, the Cosmos is making music. If we could tune-in to the "Cosmic Hum", we would find bliss and well-being. A seemingly incredulous claim, this fact is evident from thousands of years of continuous use. The ancient Indian Vedas (books of science), instruments recovered from ancient Egypt and Sumer (Iraq), Greek mathematician Pythagoras, opera legend Verdi, natural scientist Rudolf Steiner, and an increasing body of modern anecdotal evidence published by the ever mushrooming learning culture of the internet, are the endorsements of the legend that 432 Hz and 528 Hz are in fact healing sounds.

Sacred Geometry, Music of the Spheres, the Cosmic Hum

Music of the Spheres is an alchemical principle explored by Pythagoras, rooted in Kabala, that assigns each planet a note in the scale, and maps the passage of a traveller from Earth to Heaven. The Cosmic Hum is described by Hindu mystics who claim to be able to hear a continuous OM sound. These concepts are really one and the same. In the remaining architecture of sites like the Giza plateaux in Egypt, Ankor Wat temple complex in Cambodia, and the stone circles at Carnac and Stone Henge, to name only the most well known, we have an undeniable record of just how much importance the ancient world placed on sacred geometry.

Ancient structures were often aligned using "Sacred Geometry"
Sacred Geometry Cosmic Alignment - Giza, Ankor Wat, Carnac, Stone Henge

The architects of these structures spent incredible effort on precision alignments, and measurements that correspond with cosmic numbers. (Graham Hancock's YouTube series on ancient temple sites is highly recommended.) The reason for all that effort is the belief that microcosm mirrors macrocosm - our bodies are microcosmic, holographic representations of the macrocosm, the greater cosmos. This belief comes up in every ancient culture: shamanic, Egyptian, Aboriginal, and it is still alive and well in the Chinese science of Feng Shui, and the Indian science of Vastu Shastra. The design of your house and property, and the placement of your furnishings has a direct bearing on your health, relationships, wealth, and success. When these architects get the geometry right, they build structures that are in harmony with the cosmos, which means that the people who occupy these structures will be healthy, wealthy, and successful.

Architecture is Sacred Geometry when it mirrors the human body, which is created in proportion to the Cosmos
Sacred Geometry of the Human Body

432 Hz and 528 Hz - The Sound of the Cosmos

"All science is ultimately derived from vibration. Compound physics distils into math, and from there into geometry, but you can also create geometry from vibration"
Jamie Buturff
If we convert the numerical values of cosmic measurements into frequencies, we will begin to uncover patterns, systems, and programs that predict occurrences, for example the Golden Mean system. We can understand this from one, or any combination of 5 explanations:

1. Direct Experience
Sound meditation using the 432 Hz "A" is the easiest way to understand what all this fuss is about. Last Thursday I facilitated a guided Chakra meditation using isochronic pure tones of the 432 Hz tuning. The Vedas tell us that Chakras are energy fields generated by the electro-chemical activity of the 6 major ganglia (dense networks of nerves) in the nervous system. Each Chakra has a different frequency, and emits light of a certain colour, too low to be perceived by the average human eye. (The light and colour of Chakras can be seen by those who have trained their perception, and by certain equipment, eg Chakra Photography.)

7 Isochronic Chakra tones with Tibetan tuning to 432 Hz

The feedback from this meditation session was very positive. Everyone felt extremely relaxed and at peace afterwards, and a few people reported actually being able to see the colours of their Chakras, activated by the sounds. This meditation will be available for download as soon as possible, see available audio.

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