NBSR Hypnotherapy Articles

Monday 17 June 2013

Sports Hypnosis for Muscle Memory

You've been coached, you've put in the practice hours, you nailed it in the training, but when it comes to the moment that counts, sometimes it all goes out the window!!

... Sound familiar? Do you ever wonder why, after so many years of training, you still make mistakes? It's as if you're only using a fraction of your entire muscle memory.

It's one thing to get it right in practice, but with the pressure and adrenaline of the moment, your mind is in a state of overload - it's not easy to keep your head and take the shot you practised. If your thoughts would slow down, you could focus, and your muscles would remember how you did it in the practice sessions, but your mind is racing like a mosquito full of red bull!

Sometimes it all goes right. Its like the crowd and the competitors disappear and its just you. Everything happens perfectly, like a dream, without you even needing to think about it. Your body goes into auto-pilot, and you step aside and watch. It's called "The Zone". Your mind enters a state of natural trance, where your thoughts no longer inter-fear with your body's deep conditioning.

NBSR Hypnotherapy, Sports Hypnosis for Muscle Memory

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