NBSR Hypnotherapy Articles

Sunday 29 March 2015

The Science Behind Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy is a highly effective method for reducing your stress levels, generating personal motivation, and increasing your happiness in life. The science behind hypnosis is founded on four key discoveries in neurobehaviour and learning, which enable a more scientific understanding of the mind. There is an abundance of scientific proof that hypnosis works, meaning that any time an experiment is performed correctly it will achieve the same result.

Hypnotherapy is supported by four key discoveries in neuroscience:

1. Neurolinguistics translation: brain-language Our brains respond subconsciously, and very powerfully, to certain words that have personal symbolic meaning to us. If we know what words to use, we can use neurolinguistics to program a desired behaviour. Full Article: Neurolinguistics and Suggestibility in Affirmations

2. Neuroplasticity translation: intelligent learning Neural networks in the brain are not "hard wired", they can change. A negative self belief or an unhealthy habit can be replace by a positive self belief or healthy habit, through specialised practice. Full Article: Neuroplasticity - The Neuroscience of Hypnotherapy

3. Psychoacoustics & FFR translation: the mind is effected by sounds In certain situations where a "Frequency-Following Response" (FFR) can be created, the synapse firing rate in the brain "follows" the frequency that we hear or feel. The brain synchronises its firing rate with that frequency, and thus can be led to fire at a desired frequency. Full Article: Psychoacoustics & the Frequency-Following Response in Hypnosis

4. Psychoneuroimmunology translation: mind, nervous system, and immune system are connected Thoughts and emotions have a measurable effect on the function of the nervous system, the immune system, and physical well being. When we control our thoughts and beliefs through hypnosis we can accelerate healing. Full Article: Psychoneuroimmunology and Hypnotherapy

How The Science Is Applied:

1. In your first session, we decide on the solutions to your problems, then we write your affirmation - the program for the behaviour pattern you desire - using your personal symbolic vocabulary [applied neurolinguistics]

2. In hypnosis, you train with your new program using an 8Hz sound frequency [applied psychoacoustics and neuroplasticity]

3. After hypnosis you record your affirmation. I will then create your 20 minute self hypnosis track from your recording, with the 8 Hz frequency as a backing (the same brain-state as dreaming), and email it to you. You can listen to it as much as you can [applied psychoacoustics, neuroplasticity, and neurolinguistics]

4. Generally, 6 to 8 sessions, one a week, gives you the repetition you need to work through any resistance, defence mechanisms, or fear, and eases you into your experience of increased well being and happiness psychologically, emotionally, and physically [applied psychoneuroimmunology].
Remember that you will be learning a new way of thinking, which is very similar to learning a new language. Hypnotherapy is not magic, and I am not a witch :) It's real science, and rapid, highly effective training.

Many of my clients prefer to see me via Skype or Google Chat! Check availability here.

Original article: 

Monday 26 January 2015

Special Report: 10 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Hypnotherapy

Survey Results: 10 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Hypnotherapy
1. There Is a 90% chance that you already know what Is holding you back

2. Most people (85%) already know what makes them happy

3. 57% Say lack of direction is the biggest problem

4. Only 50% take action in doing what makes them happy

5. Only 50% believe that their happiness is a necessity

6. Struggling to earn enough money: 42%

7. Anger, can’t forgive a person or people: 28%

8. Anxiety, feeling like you can’t cope: 26%

9. Depression, feeling like you don’t want to carry on: 23%

10. Choosing the wrong person in a relationship: 21%
In November 2014 I created a public survey to research a concept called the Happiness Quotient - each person's potential for happiness. From observing clients in my hypnotherapy practice since 2010 I have noticed that happiness seems to be determined by what we believe about ourselves, and we are therefore able to change how happy we are by changing our beliefs.
What I discovered from analysing the results of this survey has completely changed my approach to personal development! If you are interested in statistics and you have an analytical mind I think you will enjoy these top 10 reasons why people invest in hypnotherapy. Here are 10 reasons why you should invest in hypnotherapy:
The number one reason why people invest in hypnotherapy is that subconsciously, we understand our problems for better than we do consciously. Understanding your obstacle may seem obvious, but this information is essential in order to make the improvements that you would like to see in your life. Most people find it hard to put their obstacle into words, so this survey was designed to make things easier for you by clarifying exactly what it is that is holding you back from having a successful and fulfilling year in 2015.
Again, we may not be aware of it consciously, but the chances of knowing what makes you happy are extremely high. Most people have a natural pessimism what it comes to happiness, with the belief that if you do not have high expectations you can not be disappointed. But even this "sensible" kind of pessimism actually influences your life in a negative way. If we do not allow ourselves to believe that we can have what we want, we will never allow ourselves to pursue our dreams. We can miss a lot of perfectly good opportunities in life simply by trying to be "realistic". Discovering what you desire subconsciously means that you can make real plans to achieve it.
Knowing what you want and understanding why you don't have it gives you a platform from which you can start practising ways to overcome your obstacle, but how do you do that? Even if you know what you want, you still need to know how to get there, and this is where hypnosis can be so useful in rehearsing your new direction until you remember it subconsciously, so that you always know where you are going.
Some people still regard quantum physics as too "airy fairy" or idiotic because they do not understand it - and this is the way of science, from Copernicus to Hawking - but even if you struggle with the concept that your thoughts and emotions can cause things to happen for you, action is pretty basic: "Did you do it or did'nt you?" Surprisingly 90% of us already know what makes us happy, even though we may not be consciously aware it. One of the most common uses of hypnotherapy is to provide motivation to take action, focused on doing what makes you happy.
The key word hear is BELIEVE. Regardless of how much or little you earn, believing that you deserve to be happy is a learned behaviour. Much of your personality traits are learned in childhood before you develop critical thinking, but the discovery of neuroplasticity (brain can "rewire" itself) means that you can learn new behaviours and beliefs. If you have been brought up to believe that happiness is a luxury, you can use hypnosis to bypass your critical thinking, and let the idea that you deserve happiness grow into a natural habit.
Hypnosis to increase income is a highly contentious claim. Quantum physics is still very new to our understanding, and triggers our natural defences to filter out pseudo-scientific hocus-pocus. But the science is solid: how you think and what you believe effects how much money you can earn. There are some outstanding training methods for focussing your thoughts positively to "attract" wealth, but they only address your attitude. They are not magic - they don't just "manifest" wealth for you. These training methods motivate you to work harder and better and smarter at your job to get real benefits and bonuses and promotions. The quantum physics come in where these methods "attract" wealth. This means that you can employ the law of quantum physics (your thoughts and emotions can cause things to happen for you) to increase the number of opportunities that come your way, as well as the rand value of those opportunities, by using a specialised mental training program. Doing this training in hypnosis is more efficient than the normal way, because hypnosis bypasses your critical thinking which would otherwise sabotage everything you are trying to learn.
If you still doubt all this quoting of quantum physics to claim to be able to help people make money, ask any highly successful person how important positive thinking is to them.
We tend to be quite unforgiving when it comes to anger. It helps to remember that anger is a defence and it always has a valid reason. The reason is usually not logical, and it seldom fits your idea of who you want to be, but the reason we get angry is so that we will not get hurt any more. Most people think anger is powerful but in fact it is the result of losing our power, and feeling that we have to compensate so that we are not taken advantage of, or steam-rolled, or downtrodden. Overcoming anger is a process of self empowerment, self respect, boundary setting, and communication. Using hypnotherapy, you can set yourself up as a calm administrator of your life, where you are in a position of true power. You can then choose to punish or pardon a person who has wronged you, or simply forget that they exist. Whatever you choose, the result is that you are able to wash your hands and leave that person to sort out their problem. When you are in control, other people have no say over how you think, or who you are.
Don't be fooled by this low figure of 26%, many people have this problem without realising it. Anxiety is the reptilian brain's fight response, when it can not win. Defence mechanisms trigger when we are in danger or feel threatened. Because they are essentially animal responses, they usually do not make logical sense to our rational understanding, but they are there to protect us. Anxiety can occur from overload at work. The reptilian fight defence kicks in, but we can not fight, so we start to feel extremely anxious. In hypnosis you can approach your inner animal like a skilled horse-whisperer, always respecting it's space, and calmly reminding it that you're actually okay. I use a meditation technique for this, that works every time. It progressively reduces anxiety and teaches you how to control it.
Again, a lot of people have this problem without realising it. (These figures reflect the reasons why people register, and not their actual psychological state. The actual figures for anxiety and depression are much higher.) Your Cerebellum (reptilian brain) only knows two options when it thinks you are in danger - fight or flight (run away). Depression is the other side of the coin from anxiety. In the example of overload at work, your response might be to try to escape - hiding in your office trying not to be noticed; going out with friends, drinking, denying the problem - because actually running away from work may not be an option for you. Meanwhile, your inner animal still feels frightened, and pretty soon escaping does'nt work any more, or you start needing to drink a little more, and this starts to feel a bit like depression. We use the time in hypnosis to motivate you to make the changes you need and remove the stress in your life, but a lot has to happen from your side. You will have homework, and self hypnosis plays a major part. Your hypnosis sessions are like meetings to make sure you are staying on track, taking action and making the changes you need, and keeping focussed on the good things in life that you can enjoy regularly.
Clinical depression can be treated in exactly the same way. Remember that depression is a feeling, and feelings are hormones. For this reason, psychiatric drugs have a certain degree of success - without even talking about the problem or solution, you take a pill that contains instructions for the hormones in your body, and you feel different. (The down-side is you are not being shown how to control your feelings, so you are reliant on a drug.) Your body changes its hormone balance all the time - you feel hungry, you feel sleepy, you feel happy you feel sad, all are just hormones. When you do something you love doing, your body releases hormones that make you feel good, no drugs required. When you remove the stress from your life or your thoughts, your hormones change and depression lifts. It is'nt magic, just chemistry.
This will seem counter-intuitive: How can you change your relationships by changing yourself - what about the other person? It's true, changing your self will not change the other person, but the reason why relationships have so much to do with how you see yourself, is because you are the one who chooses the other person! How you see yourself can produce total opposites in your choice of partner, for example if you are down and out, you are going to "settle" for someone who may have very little emotional intelligence, common interests, etc, they are just available and it's very circumstantial. After a while you start FEELING BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF and you look at this person and see someone who does'nt know you, does'nt seem to care about you, treats you indifferently or badly, and you think "What's wrong with me! I always choose the wrong people in relationships!" It's just a simple example, of course life is far more complicated, but hypnosis for self confidence really helps you to have a clear idea about what is important for you, not only in terms of what you need right now, but also in terms of what you know you are going to need in the future. With this in mind, you can be more discerning about who you choose to get involved with.

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