NBSR Hypnotherapy Articles

Sunday 12 January 2014

#1: Remain Calm and Focused This Year - Your Free Guide to a Productive 2014

Did you notice how a lot of people found it difficult to relax over this holiday? Did you find it difficult? 
Have you done absolutely not one stitch of work over the last two weeks?

Life can be easy

Most people try not to think about the coming year, because thinking about it only makes them worry. The inevitable first day of work rolls in, and they greet it looking the other way - hoping clients and management will still be in Holiday Mode.
Some people have a more motivated approach...
We've all done this, even at school, and we know how difficult it is to keep it up through the year. Without a constant reminder, this great intention goes on the shelf with the dream home and the ideas for starting your own business, and your subconscious mind files it as "One Day, Probably Never", so you forget about it, months go by, stress piles up, and you find yourself wishing you could remember why you are doing all this, but the reason seems so out of reach - I guess you just have to, right?

Tai Chi, Yoga, and Transcendental Meditation are fantastic if you know how to do that, but what if you don't? Are you then demoted to needing pills to be able to sleep, and different pills to able to work?

Shockingly many people believe this to be true... but just for a moment imagine there was a way to remind yourself of how it feels to relax in a spacious pool of a perfect temperature, during an actually highly stressful moment, for example a massive amount of work that needs to be done in a short amount of time. Imagine you could sit up in this pool, totally relaxed, see the whole job spread out, as if floating on the surface of the pool, plan your strategy, write it down in sequence... And then begin. As if moving through water, you would gracefully and efficiently accomplish each item on your list, one by one.

Doesn't sound very stressful, does it? But is it possible?

NO is the easiest answer...
Is it possible to fly? NO. Easy, isn't it? How many people have NOT built a flying machine?
YES is the difficult answer, but the people who said YES to flying, and persevered, became extremely wealthy and successful, and later expanded their companies and fortunes by providing millions and millions of luxury cars, like Mercedes Benz, BMW, Rolls Royce, Saab, GM, Fiat, Chrysler, Ford...

BMW used to build aircraft

The good news is: remaining calm and focused is millions and millions of times easier than building aeroplanes :) 
The bad news is in the newspaper - you are welcome to read that any time you want.

Being calm is a habit, like speaking. To learn a new language only takes repetition and the will to learn. This NBSR Free Guide to an Efficient, Productive 2014 contains everything you need to become a naturally calm, unruffled, confident, centred person.

Your NBSR Free Guide to an Efficient, Productive 2014

1. Quick Suggestibility Analysis
The brain hemisphere that you favour in your communication patterns, indicate the all important linguistic pattern that you should use in your affirmation.
Right Brainers respond best to direct messages, such as "I am calm, efficient and productive".
  • Love talking, being the centre of attention, telling jokes and stories
  • Comfortable and good at managing people
  • Take comments or suggestions of others very literally
  • Not so comfortable talking about your feelings, even with someone close
  • Feel physically effected by direct suggestion, eg: Think about biting into lemon. Imagine, visualize if you can, or just pretend that the sour juice is squirting all over your taste buds. If your mouth is watering, Physical Suggestibility is indicated.

Hears to a happy, prosperous, amazing journey in 2014!